Tell me your homosexual fable ...

  "Tell me your fable. A fable... Tell me your fable..."
 "Fable" (Robert Miles).

 A fable? Listen. "Once upon a time in one coutry lived a beautiful social lesbian princess Boffina. And in another country lived the evil magician Foxus-Poxus. And he decided to give her magic homophobian potion ... " :-)

 For me it was very interesting to find in "The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales" that there are "Gay and Lesbian Tales" (p.400).

 Even tales of great Hans Christian Andersen contains something homosexual. Quote: "Homoerotic elements have also been noted in tales by Hans Christian Andersen, motivated in part by an attempt to find links between the sexuality of this author and his writings".

Interactive gay-friendly 4 years course of Swedish

309494-20Well I still have problems with Swedish, for example for me it's not easy to pronounce "7". I can pronounce 5 (fem) and 6 (sex) easy, but I have problems with 7.

I've found a very interesting interactive course of Swedish language.

The course is very serious, it's for 4 years of studying (Från 4 år), so I plan to finish this course in 2012.

The course calls Nalle Puh Skolstart. To find out more about the course here.

In this course teachers are small animals - piggy, donkey, doggie etc. I think it has a very deep sense, so probably this course is partly has a philosophic accent. I mean ... everyone knows about ancient Greek philosopher and author of fables Aesop. He used animals In his fables as characters.

And it's a very gay-friendly course. at this pictute there are two musical Rainbow-coloured instruments.


And some screeshots

Koko answering to e-mail

 Every day somebody sends me some e-mails which I cannot understand, probably in norwegian or icelandic language. I understand only two words "Barbra Streisand".

 Perhaps the author of these e-mails wants to know is that Barbra Streisand lesbian or not.

 First. I've never listened about Barbra Streisand, I don't know who is she, but I'll help.


 In "Encyclopedia of Gay and Lesbian Popular Culture", at page 250 we can read,


 "Streisand, Barbra (1942-)
The Jewish-American actress, singer, and film director Barbra Streisand has become one of the biggest gay icons in twentieth-century popular culture, second only to Judy Garland."



Just a small comment. Not all people know it that 99% of American Gay Activists are old Jewish-Americans.

Just some examples.

  • Terry Lobel - Executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
  • Evan Wolfson - Executive director of Freedom to Marry.
  • David Goodstein - Owner/publisher of the gay magazine The Advocate [1975-1985]; co-founder of the National Gay Rights Lobby.
  • Len Hirsch - President of the GLBT federal government employees group, GLOBE.
  • Israel Fishman - founder of the Gay Liberation Caucus in 1970 [now known as the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table of the American Library Association], the world's first gay professional organization.
  • Jonathan D. Katz - founded and chairs the Harvey Milk Institute, the largest queer studies institute in the world. A long time queer political activist, was a co-founder of Queer Nation
  • Arnie Kantrowitz - co-founder of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD].
  • Larry Kramer - Co-founder of "Act Up," a homosexual/AIDS activist organization; co-founder of the Gay Men's Health Crisis
And what is more funny, almost ALL they are not gays (or lesbians). It's their business, they earn huge money on gay/lesbian problems.

Please, don't ask me anymore if somebody is a lesbian or not. According to statistics 65% of schoolgirls and 85% of college girls had lesbian sex.


Do you speak Lesbian?

What do I mean with "Do you speak Lesbian? "

  • Lesbian slang? ex. Poppa - any lesbian under the age of consent. NO!
  • Youth slang? ex. 06'n - Lesbian activity ("Watch out pardna, yo girl is 06'n with my sista!"). NO!
  • Abbreviation? ex. LBD - Lesbian By Default (A physically unattractive woman with no other options than lesbianism). NO!

I mean Greek Dialects and nothing more. In "Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 14-Volume Set" we can read,


"The dialects are grouped as follows: Attic-Ionic (in Attica and its chief city Athens, the Ionic islands of the Aegean, and parts of Asia Minor), Aeolic (including Boiotian, Thessalian, and Lesbian), Doric (or West Greek, in the Peloponnese, the Doric islands of the Aegean, and parts of Asia Minor), Northwest Greek (on the northern mainland), and Arcado-Cypriot (in Arcadia and Cyprus)."

Hm, if according the encyclopedia the dialect of Lesbos istland is Lesbian, than ALL citizens of this istland (including males and females) are Lesbians!

Therefore if you don't live at Lesbos istland and don't speak Lesbian dialect, you cannot call yourself as lesbian!

Lesbians - murderers

In the World Encyclopedia of 20th Century Murder I've found many interesting stories about lesbians - murderers. For ex. "Alice Crimmins murdered her own two small children. So did Gertrude Jackson, slaying her two small children so she could more fully share her lesbian love with Jeannace Freeman."

But to read about murderers - feminists it's like humour! For ex. "Feminine rights were apparently a strong motivating factor in the case of Priscilla Bradford, who, along with other females working in a laboratory with radford's physician-husband, murdered the doctor so they could have "an all-female lab."


My friend fox-box made this wonderful Valentine gay picture for me.

Thank you, fox-box. Sad that you are hetero :-(


Girls, where are you?

One silly American saying tells, "If you're so clever, why aren't you rich?" Really silly. But ... let's take a look at

"Top 20 Internet Millionaires Under 30"

  1. Mark Zuckerberg [ Facebook ] 23 years old | $700M
  2. Andrew Gower [ Runescape ] 28 years old | $650M
  3. Blake Ross and David Hyatt [ Mozilla ] 22 years old | $120M
  4. Chad Hurley [ Youtube ] 30 years old | $85M
  5. Angelo Sotira [ Deviant ART ] 26 years old | $75M
  6. John Vechey [ PopCap Games ] 28 years old | $60M
  7. Alexander Levin [ WordPress ] 23 years old | $57M
  8. Jake Nickell [ Threadless ] 28 years old | $50M
  9. Sean Belnick [ Biz Chair ] 20 years old | $42M
  10. Kevin Rose [ Digg ] 30 years old | $31M
  11. Ryan Block [ Engadget ] 25 years old | $20M
  12. Aodhan Cullen [ Stat Counter ] 24 years old | $18M
  13. Tom Fulp [ Newgrounds ] 29 years old | $15M
  14. Rishi Kacker and Matt Pauker [ Voltage ] 24 years old | $12M
  15. Markus Frind [ Plenty of Fish ] 29 years old | $10M
  16. Catherine and David Cook [ My Year Book ] 17 & 19 years old | $10M
  17. Fredrik Neij [ The Pirate Bay ] 28 years old | $10M
  18. David Hauser & Siamak Taghaddos [ GotvMail ] 24 years old | $8M
  19. Jermaine Griggs [ Hear and Play ] 23 years old | $5M
  20. Jay Westerdal [ Domain Tools ] 29 years old | $5M

What we see in this list? ONLY ONE GIRL. Why?! Can anyone explain me it? If anyone tells me that it because girls are more stupid then he will be my #1 enemy.

I think I know the reason. All it because girls often use their computers with a wrong way. Okay here's the picture.

(see numbers on photos)

1. Oh no, she'll never be in "Top 20".

2. Choose yourself - win games and be poor or think of a new facebook and be rich.

3. If to use only one hand for typing, you'll type in two times less than using both!

4. Correct posture. Computer chair it's not a toilet seat. So sit straight and ... "lift your head up high girl ou-ou-ooo ou-ou-ooo" ( © Margaret Berger )

Hope to see you in the next "Top 20 Internet Millionaires Under 30"

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