Great advice in European Day of Languages

309494-9I slightly changed coloures on official logo of European Day of Languages, my colours are more rainbow i.e better. Homophobs can see original logo here.

I'm trying to learn Swedish now and people sometimes are trying  to help me with it. But yesterday was a special day, one Swedish guy (heterosexual) told me magic words,

"I'll tell you words which Vikings always had told after eating. Always tell these words after having a meal, especially if near you there are old people. Swedes will love you! They will be impressed by your knowledge of old traditions. These words are in old runic Swedish, so don't even try to translate them, just learn them by heart. These magic words are "I Sverige rapar vi alltid efter middagen".

Thanks kind guy for your help, I'll follow your great advice.  Even among heterosexuals there are good people sometimes.

Rainbow rising

Do you have a gay or lesbian site or blog? Decorate it with animated rainbow flag!
(Thanks  to "Lulu - little piggy" for his contribution)

Rainbow Flag     Rainbow Flag     Rainbow Flag

Do you know that


Koko explains

Sometimes people tell me, "Koko, you are a musical heterophob! Your favourite musicians are gays only!"

NO NO NO. Koko has not prejudice towards heterosexual musicians and singers.
Example? Easy! My favourite video is "Ziggy" by straight i.e. heterosexual singer Céline Dion.
Very nice vidio and amazing song.


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