Girls, where are you?

One silly American saying tells, "If you're so clever, why aren't you rich?" Really silly. But ... let's take a look at

"Top 20 Internet Millionaires Under 30"

  1. Mark Zuckerberg [ Facebook ] 23 years old | $700M
  2. Andrew Gower [ Runescape ] 28 years old | $650M
  3. Blake Ross and David Hyatt [ Mozilla ] 22 years old | $120M
  4. Chad Hurley [ Youtube ] 30 years old | $85M
  5. Angelo Sotira [ Deviant ART ] 26 years old | $75M
  6. John Vechey [ PopCap Games ] 28 years old | $60M
  7. Alexander Levin [ WordPress ] 23 years old | $57M
  8. Jake Nickell [ Threadless ] 28 years old | $50M
  9. Sean Belnick [ Biz Chair ] 20 years old | $42M
  10. Kevin Rose [ Digg ] 30 years old | $31M
  11. Ryan Block [ Engadget ] 25 years old | $20M
  12. Aodhan Cullen [ Stat Counter ] 24 years old | $18M
  13. Tom Fulp [ Newgrounds ] 29 years old | $15M
  14. Rishi Kacker and Matt Pauker [ Voltage ] 24 years old | $12M
  15. Markus Frind [ Plenty of Fish ] 29 years old | $10M
  16. Catherine and David Cook [ My Year Book ] 17 & 19 years old | $10M
  17. Fredrik Neij [ The Pirate Bay ] 28 years old | $10M
  18. David Hauser & Siamak Taghaddos [ GotvMail ] 24 years old | $8M
  19. Jermaine Griggs [ Hear and Play ] 23 years old | $5M
  20. Jay Westerdal [ Domain Tools ] 29 years old | $5M

What we see in this list? ONLY ONE GIRL. Why?! Can anyone explain me it? If anyone tells me that it because girls are more stupid then he will be my #1 enemy.

I think I know the reason. All it because girls often use their computers with a wrong way. Okay here's the picture.

(see numbers on photos)

1. Oh no, she'll never be in "Top 20".

2. Choose yourself - win games and be poor or think of a new facebook and be rich.

3. If to use only one hand for typing, you'll type in two times less than using both!

4. Correct posture. Computer chair it's not a toilet seat. So sit straight and ... "lift your head up high girl ou-ou-ooo ou-ou-ooo" ( © Margaret Berger )

Hope to see you in the next "Top 20 Internet Millionaires Under 30"


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