Tell me your homosexual fable ...

  "Tell me your fable. A fable... Tell me your fable..."
 "Fable" (Robert Miles).

 A fable? Listen. "Once upon a time in one coutry lived a beautiful social lesbian princess Boffina. And in another country lived the evil magician Foxus-Poxus. And he decided to give her magic homophobian potion ... " :-)

 For me it was very interesting to find in "The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales" that there are "Gay and Lesbian Tales" (p.400).

 Even tales of great Hans Christian Andersen contains something homosexual. Quote: "Homoerotic elements have also been noted in tales by Hans Christian Andersen, motivated in part by an attempt to find links between the sexuality of this author and his writings".

Postat av: Karin

thanks for a good point. But I dont want my art to be "perfect", if you understand? Just cool. I't doesnät matter if everyone can se it is very fake, I'm looking for a cool feeling in my pictures:)

2008-03-05 @ 07:37:39

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